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What Shall We Do Now?: Five Hundred Games And Pastimes
A dolls' house ought to be as complete as possible, and though this
will take a long time it is absorbingly interesting work from start to
finish. It should be the ambition of the mistress of a dolls' house to
have it as well furnished as the house of a grown-up person, and if
she looks round the rooms in her own home carefully she will see how
many things can be copied. There will be cushions to make, fancy
table-cloths for different tables, toilet-covers and towels for the
bedroom, splashers to go behind wash-stands, mats in front of them,
and roll-towels and kitchen cloths for the kitchen.
Everything should be made of the thinnest and finest material, cut
with the greatest care and sewn with the tiniest stitches. Light and
dainty colors are best for a dolls' house. If you have several rooms,
it is a good plan to have a pink room, a blue room, a yellow room, and
in each room to have everything of different shades of that color and
white. Perhaps no material is so useful to the owner of a dolls' house
as art muslin. It is soft, cheap, and very pretty.
Coming to other furniture which can be made at home, we find screens
(made of cardboard and scraps), music for the piano, walking-sticks,
flowers (made of colored tissue-paper and wire), flower-pots (made of
corks covered with red paper), cupboards to keep linen and glass in
(made out of small cardboard boxes, fitted with shelves), and many
other little things which, if you look round your own home carefully,
will be suggested to you. Even bicycles can be imitated in cardboard
and placed in the hall.
The Inhabitants
Bookshelves And Books
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