My Thought
What Shall We Do Now?: Five Hundred Games And Pastimes
The players sit in a row or circle, and one, having thought of
something--of any description whatever--asks them in turn, "What is my
thought like?" Not having the faintest idea what the thought is they
reply at random. One may say, "Like a dog"; another, "Like a
saucepan"; a third, "Like a wet day"; a fourth, "Like a comic opera."
After collecting all the answers the player announces what the thought
was, and then goes along the row again calling upon the players to
explain why it is like the thing named by them. The merit of the game
lies in these explanations. Thus, perhaps the thing thought of was a
concertina. The first player, asked to show why a concertina is like a
dog, may reply, "Because when it is squeezed it howls." The next may
say, "It is like a heavy saucepan because it is held in both hands."
The third, "It is like a wet day because one soon has enough of it";
and the fourth, "It is like a comic opera because it is full of
P's And Q's
I Love My Love
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