Mother May I Go Out To Play?
Games For The Playground, Home, School And Gymnasium
This is one of the old traditional dramatic games and is found
in many countries.
One player represents a mother, and the rest are her children, and
stand in front of her in a line. One or all of them ask the mother the
following question, the mother answering as indicated
"Mother, may I go out to play?"
"No, my child; it is such a wet day."
"Look how the sun shines, mother."
"Well, make three round courtesies and be off away."
The children thereupon make three "round courtesies" by whirling
around and dipping down suddenly to spread the skirts out. They then
run away and pretend to play. Soon they return and knock at the door.
The mother asks
"What have you been doing all this time?"
"Brushing Jennie's hair and combing Jennie's hair."
"What did you get for it?"
"A silver penny."
"Where's my share of it?"
"The cat ran away with it."
"Where's the cat?"
"In the wood."
"Where's the wood?"
"Fire burnt it."
"Where's the fire?"
"Moo cow drank it."
"Where's the moo cow?"
"Sold it for a silver penny."
"What did you do with the money?"
"Bought nuts with it."
"What did you do with them?"
"You can have the nutshells, if you like."
The last words being rather disrespectful, the mother at once chases
the children, calling, "Where's my share of the silver penny?" The
players being chased, reply, "You may have the nutshells!" The mother
thus catches the children, one after another, and pretends to punish
Mother Mother The Pot Boils Over!
Moon And Morning Stars
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