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What Shall We Do Now?: Five Hundred Games And Pastimes
Every one is supplied with a piece of paper and pencils and tries to
write down correct answers to questions about everyday things which
we none of us know. A suggestive list is given but any one can add to
it indefinitely.
1. How big do you think a postage-stamp is, in inches--a five
dollar bill?
2. Draw a picture of a clock's face with the hands pointing
to five minutes of twelve.
3. How tall do you think a man's silk hat is, a derby?
4. Draw the design in panels of the door to the room you are
in. (Of course without looking at it.)
5. How many holes are there in a high laced shoe--your own?
6. How many toes has a cat, a dog?
7. How many legs has a fly?
8. How does a cow lie down? A horse?
9. About how many petals has a common daisy? A wild rose? A
sun flower?
10. How high from the ground is a street-car?--a railway car?
The person who can answer most correctly the greatest number of
questions is the winner.
Rhymed Replies
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