
Rope Skipping Relay
A piece of rope is necessary for each team. At the signal to ...

Duel Tug Of War
Two opponents are given a piece of rope about three feet long...

The teacher selects some word from the dictionary, which is w...

A competitive game which is easy to manage is hit-or-miss il...

Touch Game
Players form a circle--one player stands in the center. A bas...

Hunt The Sheep
Two captains are chosen and the players divided into equal si...

Cat And Mouse
One pupil is designated to play the role of cat, another that...

Magic Music
One of the players is sent out of the room, and the rest then...


Source: The Book Of Sports
Category: GARDENING.

It is of no use whatever to think of getting things to grow without
manure. This is the life and soul of all garden operations. Almost
everything can be converted into manure. The grass from lawns, fallen
leaves, weeds, and all vegetable matter, afford good light manure.
Strong manures are prepared from horse, cow, sheep, and goat dung. The
dung of fowls and rabbits is also most excellent; and where fowls or
rabbits are kept, their dung should be preserved with great care, and
put by itself into a rotting-pit, or into a tank, and kept wet. The
juicy part can then be used as a liquid manure, and will be found of a
highly fertilizing property, and the more solid may be spread over the
land. The best time for putting manure on the land is in dry or frosty
weather, and it should be dug in as soon as spread. It is a very unwise
plan to spread manure on the land and let it lie, as in such cases, much
of the strength of the manure is lost. Young gardeners should be very
careful in preparing and collecting manure, and also when they are
moving it from the pits to the ground, they should take care and not
soil their paths.

Next: Gardening Tools

Previous: Laying Out The Ground

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