Line Club Bowls Double
Games For The Playground, Home, School And Gymnasium
_; _Center Club Bowls_; _Circle
Club Bowls_.)
_2 to 60 or more players._
_Playground; gymnasium; schoolroom._
_Hand ball; bean bag; Indian clubs._
This game is like Single Club Bowls, except that the object of
the play is to pass the ball or bean bag between a pair of
upright Indian clubs, instead of trying to knock one over.
If there be a few players, one pair of clubs is set up for each
player, with an interval between them two inches wider than the
diameter of the ball that is used. At from ten to twenty feet from the
clubs a line is drawn on which the players stand to throw. The players
slide the bag over the floor or roll the ball; all play at once, each
player scoring one if his ball or bag goes between the clubs without
knocking them over. The clubs are then put in order if displaced, the
balls or bags gathered up, and the players return to the starting line
and bowl again.
The player wins who first scores twenty-five or fifty, as may be
determined before the game opens.
Where there is a large number of players, the same form of play is
used with the players in relay formation; that is, they should be
divided into groups of equal numbers, each group lining up in single
file before the starting line, and each member of the group bowling in
The group or team with the highest score when all have bowled wins.
Line Club Bowls Single
Line Ball
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