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Smuggling The Geg

Source: Games For The Playground, Home, School And Gymnasium

_10 or 30 to more players._

_Out of doors._

This is an old Scotch game, evidently an outgrowth of
smuggling. The "geg" is a small treasure or object easily
handled, such as a pocket knife, key, marble, etc.

The players are divided into two even parties, one called the "Outs"
and the other the "Ins." A den about four feet by six in size is
marked on the ground in some central place. Both parties agree on
boundaries beyond which it is unfair to go, though the space available
for play should be very considerable. It is determined by lot or by
counting out which of the parties shall be the first Outs, or
smugglers, this being the more desirable position. The Outs have the
geg, or treasure, which they give to one of their number in a manner
that leaves his identity unknown to the Ins. They may do this by going
out of sight around a corner of a building and choosing one of their
number to take the geg, or by standing in a row within sight of the
Ins, with their backs to a wall or fence, and pass the geg from hand
to hand behind their backs, making many feints and passes intended to
deceive the onlookers.

When the geg has been deposited with one of their number, the Outs run
and hide, but before reaching their final hiding place, must give a
call of "Smugglers!" This is the signal for the Ins to start on the
chase. The object of the Ins is to catch the one player among the Outs
who is custodian of the geg. The identity of this player may be a
sheer matter of surmise on their part, when they will have to
challenge any player whom they may catch. If the player holding the
geg can return to the den without being caught, his party wins, and
again goes out for the next game. But if the holder of the geg be
caught before he gets to the den, the Ins win the game, and become the
Outs for the next round.

Whenever one of the Ins catches one of the Outs, the latter is not a
prisoner until he is "crowned"; that is, the pursuer must hold him,
take off his cap, and place the palm of his hand on the prisoner's
head, when he must cease to struggle. The pursuer then demands,
"Deliver up the geg!" which must be done at once should this
particular smuggler be the one who holds it. This fact is then shouted
aloud, and all of the players return to the den. If the player caught
should not have the geg, he is allowed to go free.

Of course it is to the interest of the Outs to engage the attention of
the Ins as much as possible upon players who do not hold the geg, thus
to give the holder of it a chance to make the den and so win for his

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