Knitting Game
Games Without Music For Children
Each child should have a pair of knitting-pins ([A]wooden ones are the
best for learning), and the teacher should have a pair also. As the
teacher stands facing the children, her left hand is opposite to their
right, and she should, consequently, use her left needle to take the
stitch, &c., otherwise the children will be confused.
I will teach you how to knit,
If you listen, dears, to me;
And I'm sure you will admit
It is easy as can be.
Put the pins all ready,[1] so,
Hold one firmly with each hand;
Then the knitting drill I give
You must try to understand.
[2]Take a stitch at number One,
And when I say, 'Number Two,'
[3]Hold the wool in your right hand,
And then throw it over, so.
[4]Now the pin that's underneath
To the top must come at Three,
[5]Slip the loop at number Four
From the left pin carefully.
When the above game has been repeated several times, the children will
be ready for the Knitting Drill given on p. 274 of 'Kindergarten Guide.'
[A] Appendix V.
[1] Teacher puts her pins in position.
[2] Put end of right pin under end of left.
[3] Pretend to put wool round end of right-hand pin as in actual
[4] Bring right-hand pin to the top.
[5] Slide the right pin off the left.
[Illustration: FIG. 2.--THE SIGN-POST]
The Sign-post
Thimble Game
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