
Heart Hunt
Candy or paper hearts are hidden in nooks and corners, behind...

Trips Around The World.
There are several ways of playing this game, here are two. ...

Quaker Meeting.
All the guests sit in a circle and the leader begins by say...

Hatching Chickens
The eggs given to the hen to hatch must be perfectly fresh; t...

The Spelling Game
Each player in this game has what are called three "lives," o...

The name explains the game, which is played as "It" is played...

Scarf Relay
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The first thing to learn in "Marbles" is the way that the mar...


Source: The Book Of Sports
Category: GARDENING.

The hoe is of very great use, both to hoe up weeds and to form drills.
We have spoken about its former use, and shall now say a word or two
about the latter. In forming a drill for peas, beans, or other seed, one
thing is above all things requisite, namely, that it should be
_straight_. A drill resembling a dog's hinder leg, never looks well in a
garden, and therefore the little gardener must have recourse to his
_line_. This ought to be long enough to stretch quite across his ground,
and when he wants to strike a drill, he should stretch it across from
path to path, and, taking his hoe in his hand, cut or scrape a little
furrow, about three or four inches deep, by the side of his line. In
sowing peas and beans, the drills are generally a yard apart, and
between them other crops are sometimes sown. Very often a crop of
spring-spinach or of radishes is sown between lines of peas, and so on
of other intermediate crops.

The line is very useful in all kinds of planting. In planting
broad-beans, they are put into the ground by a _dibber_, which is a
piece of wood with a pointed end and a handle. The holes are to be
dibbed along the side of the line. The same tool is used in a similar
way in planting potatoes, strawberries, cabbage-plants, and a variety of
other roots, which require to be planted in straight and equidistant

Next: Transplanting

Previous: Raking

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