
1. What poem is it that sings down the vale The Brook....

Pictures And Titles
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Animal Blind Man's Buff
_10 to 30 or more players._ _Parlor; gymnasium; playgrou...

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_5 to 60 players._ _Indoors; out of doors; schoolroom._ ...

The Bullfinch
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_10 to 30 or more players._ _Playground; gymnasium._ ...

The Reception Of Flowers
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Fence Tag
This is a simple active game which can be played where there ...

Good Morning

Source: Games For The Playground, Home, School And Gymnasium

_10 to 60 or more players._

_Schoolroom; parlor._

This is a very pretty sense-training game
discrimination through the sense of hearing. Little children
are very fond of it, and it is most interesting and surprising
to note the development of perceptive power through the playing
of the game.

One player blinds his eyes. He may do this by going to a corner of the
room and facing the wall, with his hand over his eyes; or a very
pretty method is to have him go to the teacher or leader, with his
face hidden in her lap, and her hands on either side of his head, like
the blinders of a horse.

The teacher then silently points to some other player in the class,
who rises at once and says, "Good morning, David!" (or whatever the
child's name may be). The little guesser, if he has recognized the
voice, responds with, "Good morning, Arthur!" (or other name). If he
does not guess the voice after the first greeting, the child may be
required to repeat it, until the guesser has had three trials. Should
he fail on the third trial, he turns around to see who the player was,
and changes places with him. If he names the right player, the guesser
retains his position until he fails to guess the voice of the one
greeting him, one player after another being required to stand and
give the greeting "Good morning!"

When pupils have become somewhat proficient in the guesser's place,
the others should be required to change their seats after the guesser
has blinded his eyes, so that he will not be assisted in his judgment
by the direction from which the voice comes, which is very easily the
case where the other players are in their accustomed seats.

Of course the greeting will be varied according to the time of day,
being "Good afternoon!" or "Good evening!" as may be appropriate.
Occasionally, in a school game, a pupil from another room may be
called in. Should a strange voice be heard in this way, the little
guesser is considered correct if he answer, "Good morning, stranger!"

Next: Guess Who

Previous: Going To Jerusalem

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