
Racing Last Over Etc
A popular method of determining who shall be "It" for a game...

Chunkee Or Hoop And Pole.
Among the Indians at the south, observers noted and describ...

Fly Away!
The player who is chosen as leader sits down and places the f...

Shifting Of Crops
Crops must not be grown twice in rotation on the same ground....

Threelegged Racing
A race in which the contestants are paired off by being strap...

Home Run
_10 to 60 players._ _Schoolroom._ _Gas balls or bean ...

Provide each guest with pencil and paper. Papers four inch...

Walking Spanish
This game should not be played unless there are some older, s...


Source: The Book Of Sports
Category: GARDENING.

We read in the sacred records, that when man was created, he was placed
in a "Garden,"--the Garden of Eden, to dress it and to keep it; and we
may infer therefrom, first, that, the occupation of gardening was one
pre-eminently fitted for the happiness of man, and secondly, that
industry, and even labour, was also a part of man's duty, even in a
state of innocence.

There is not a more innocent amusement than gardening. Nothing can be
more lovely than to be among buds and fruits and flowers; nothing is
more conducive to health and peace of mind, and few things are better
calculated to inspire religious feelings than gardening.

Every little boy or girl should have a garden, and should be shown how
to manage it. There is a great deal in _management_ and in _method_ at
all times, but especially in gardening. Much _attention_ is also
necessary,--great _care_ and much _forethought_; all of which qualities
of the mind it is in the highest degree proper to train and exercise.
Whoever, therefore, begins gardening, must not look upon it as an idle
sport, to be taken up and thrown aside with the whim of the moment, but
as an occupation for leisure hours, that the mind must be brought to
bear upon, and which must engage him from day to day, from month to
month, from spring to summer, from autumn to winter, and so through all
the changes of the varied year.

Next: Laying Out The Ground

Previous: Bernardi's System

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