Basket Ball Distance Throw
Games For The Playground, Home, School And Gymnasium
_10 to 30 or more players._
_Playground; gymnasium._
_Basket ball._
This is an interesting and simple athletic event, as well as a
good game. It is especially useful for players drilling on the
handling of the basket ball or shotput, and is a good
substitute for shotput for girls.
A full circle six feet in diameter is drawn on the ground. A heavy
line is drawn across its center, which serves as a throwing line. The
player stands in the circle and throws the basket ball from this
throwing line toward other lines drawn in the throwing space as
specified below, the ball scoring according to its landing in relation
to these other lines.
The lines drawn across the throwing space must be parallel with the
throwing line in the circle. For players below the seventh year of the
elementary school course (below twelve years of age) these three lines
should be respectively twelve, eighteen, and twenty-seven feet from
the forward edge of the circle. For players from the seventh and
eighth year of the school course (that is, thirteen and fourteen years
of age) these three lines should be respectively fifteen, twenty-one,
and thirty-one feet from the forward edge of the circle. These
measurements are for girls. For boys the longer distance given between
lines will be found generally advisable, and they may even be
The players are divided into competing teams, the players of each team
throwing in rapid succession. Each player has but one turn, unless the
ball should strike some obstacle before touching the ground, when
another trial is allowed. A thrower must at the start stand in the
circle and toe the throwing line, drawn across the center of the
circle; in completing the throw he must not fall or step forward over
the outer line of the circle in front of him. If at any part of the
throw, from its start to finish, the thrower be out of the circle, it
is considered a foul and does not score, the number of players in the
team being counted as one less when the total or average is figured.
The best form for throwing is that described for Battle Ball.
For each throw to the first line (the twelve or fifteen foot line) or
any point between it and the next line, a team scores one point. For
each throw to the second line (the eighteen or twenty-one foot line),
or between it and the next line, a team scores three points. For each
throw to or beyond the third line (the twenty-seven or thirty-one foot
line) a team scores five points. The team averaging or adding the
largest score wins first place in the event. If the number of players
be not even, the score is decided by an average instead of by adding.
Where several groups or teams are competing, if there be a judge for
each team and floor space for more than one diagram, two or more teams
should throw at once.
Battle Ball
Ball Tag
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