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Garden Robins

Source: What Shall We Do Now?: Five Hundred Games And Pastimes
Category: PETS

Robins in the garden are so pretty, so cheeky, so sweetly musical, and
are so friendly to man (in spite of their arrogance and selfishness
among birds) that they ought to be encouraged. As the only way of
encouraging wild birds is to feed them, we have to try and give them
what they like best. Robins are quite content with bread crumbs only.
They will eat sop if they can get nothing else; but they prefer
crumbs, and not too dry. For an especial treat they like fat bacon
beyond everything: cooked bacon, that has been boiled, not fried. It
should be mixed up very small, and the bread also crumbled into tiny
morsels, for robins like to eat very nicely and daintily. Robins are
pleased to have crumbs given them all the seasons through, though in
the autumn they can very well take care of themselves.

Each robin has his own special domain, which any other robin invades
at his peril. The robins that come to the window for food are those
that belong to that particular side of the house and no other. This
means that there are other robins is different parts of the garden
which will have to be fed in their own special localities. You will
soon find out where these are, even if you have not already been
guided to them by their songs. Robins like their food scattered always
in the same place, or under the same tree, and, as nearly as you can,
at the same time. Then you will find them on the lookout for you, and
if you take always the same basket (a rather shallow flat one which
stands firmly) and, putting it on the ground, go a few steps away, you
will see them hop into it. After a few days they will probably get
tame enough to come into the basket while it is in your hand; only you
must have a little patience at first, and hold it very still, and of
course you must not have previously scattered any food on the ground.

Next: Birds In The Garden

Previous: The Robin

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