
Questions And Answers
Each player is furnished with a pencil and two slips of paper...

Pumpkin Alphabet
Carve all the letters of the alphabet on a medium sized pumpk...

The Love-birds
The love-birds feed almost entirely on millet or canary seed,...

Nose And Toe Tag
This game is played like ordinary tag, with the exception tha...

Maze Tag
(Line Tag; Right Face) _15 to 100 players._ _Playgrou...

Leapfrog 2
_2 to 100 players._ _Playground; gymnasium._ The firs...

Bean Bag Circle Toss
_10 to 30 or more players._ _Gymnasium; playground; scho...

Changing Seats
The class is seated in full rows, each two rows playing toget...


Source: Games For The Playground, Home, School And Gymnasium

_5 to 10 players._

_Dark room._

This game is a good one for the loft of an old barn on a rainy day.
The writer obtained the game from a group of boys, who found it one of
their chief sports used in this way.

It is necessary to prepare in advance a rather large, soft bag; an oat
sack or potato bag may be used. This should be nearly filled with dry
leaves or some substitute, and the end gathered up and tied with a
string, so as to leave quite a hilt or handle for a firm grasp. All
light is shut out of the place, so that the sense of hearing will be
the only guide in the game.

One player, who is It, is seated on the floor in the center of the
loft or room, and holds the sack. The object of the game for this
player is to tag or touch any of the other players with the sack
without leaving his sitting position on the floor. The object of the
other players, who are scattered promiscuously, is to approach as near
as possible to the center player, taking him unaware, with a taunting
cry of "Chickadee-dee!" close to his ear.

The game starts in perfect silence and darkness. A player steals up to
the center man, calls "Chickadee-dee!" and darts back again as quickly
as possible, the center man whirling his bag around in a circle and
hitting out with it in the direction of the voice, trying to hit this
player. While he is doing this, another player from some other
direction repeats the call of "Chickadee-dee!" close to his ear, and
darts back or dodges. Any tactics may be used for dodging, such as
dropping to the floor, jumping, or the more usual modes of dodging.

Any player hit with the bag exchanges places with the one in the

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The Book Of Sports
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Games For The Playground, Home, School And Gymnasium
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