Planting Bulbs
What Shall We Do Now?: Five Hundred Games And Pastimes
For planting bulbs choose a day when the earth is dry, and make your
holes with a trowel. If you want to make a clump of bulb-plants, take
away the earth to the right depth from the whole area you wish to
fill, place your bulbs in position, points upward, and cover over,
pressing the earth firmly down.
In planting a bulb in a hole made for it by a trowel, be very careful
to see that it is resting on earth, and is not "hung," that is to say,
kept from touching the earth underneath because of the narrowness of
the hole.
All bulbs may be protected during the winter by laying hay or straw
over them. This must be neatly pegged down, and removed in March.
Cutting Leaves
Planting Perennials
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