Center Catch Ball
Games For The Playground, Home, School And Gymnasium
_10 to 30 or more players._
_Playground; gymnasium._
_Hand ball; basket ball; bean bag._
I. Simple form for little children.
All of the players but one stand in a circle, with two or three feet
distance between players. The odd player stands in the center of the
circle and tries to catch the ball, which is tossed rapidly from one
circle player to another. Should he be successful, the one who last
touched the ball changes places with him.
II. Advanced form for skillful players.
This differs from the preceding in the greater distance between
players and also in the much greater range and resourcefulness of
The players stand in a circle with from six to eight feet between each
two, and with one player in the center. The circle players throw a
ball from one to another, the object of the game being for the center
player to catch the ball or knock it to the floor. The circle players
may throw the ball over the heads of one another or across the circle,
or make sudden feints of throwing it in one direction, turn suddenly
and throw it in another, etc., to deceive the center player.
Any player in the circle who last touched the ball, changes places
with the center player whenever the latter touches or catches the
Center Club Bowls
Center Base
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