Catch Of Fish
Games For The Playground, Home, School And Gymnasium
_10 to 30 or more players._
_Playground; gymnasium._
This is one of the very strenuous games, and affords opportunity for
some very good exercise and sport.
A line is drawn across each end of the playground, beyond which the
players stand in two equal parties, one at one end and one at the
other. The players of one party clasp hands to form a fish net. The
players in the other party are fish. At a given signal both advance
toward the center of the playground, which represents a stream, the
object of the fish being to swim across to the opposite shore without
being caught in the net. To do this they will naturally dodge around
the ends of the net.
The net should inclose or encircle any fish that it catches. The fish
so caught may not try to break apart the clasped hands forming the
net, but may escape only through the opening where the two ends come
together. Should the net break at any point by an unclasping of hands,
the fish are all allowed to escape, and the players go back to their
respective goals and begin over again. Any fish caught in the net are
thereafter out of the game until all are caught. After the net has
made one catch, the sides exchange parts, those of the fish that are
left forming the new net, and the first net crossing to the other side
and becoming fish. The two sides thus exchange places and parts, until
all on one side are caught.
For a large number of players it is better to have two small nets
instead of one large one, the dodging being livelier and the progress
of the game more rapid in every way.
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