
Spin Around Race
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Source: What Shall We Do Now?: Five Hundred Games And Pastimes

One of the advantages of being in the country in spring is that that
is the time when birds build. In May the weather is not yet
sufficiently warm to make sitting about out-of-doors very comfortable,
but birds'-nesting can make up for that. It is of no use to say in
this book, "Don't take the eggs," because it is possible only for one
person here and there to be satisfied with merely finding a nest and
then passing on to find another. But it is a pity for any one who is
not a serious collector to take more than one egg. For your purposes
one is enough, and the loss of a single egg rarely causes a bird to
desert her nest. Of course if you know for certain that the nest is
deserted, it is right to take all. You can find out by visiting it two
or three times, and if the eggs remain cold or wet and there is no
sign of the bird you may safely feel that she has abandoned them.
Birds have so many natural enemies to fear that it is hard that we
should harm them too.

Next: Blowing Eggs

Previous: The Blacksmith

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