
One of the players who does not know the game is sent out o...

Jumping Lighted Candle
Place a lighted candle in middle of floor, not too securely p...

St Valentine's Post Office
The players sit in a circle around the room except one who is...

A Good Fat Hen
A nonsensical game, useful in leading to forfeits. The compan...

Aviation Meet
Three pupils constitute a team. Two are mechanicians, one the...

Quaker Meeting.
All the guests sit in a circle and the leader begins by say...

Hiding Ring Thimble And Penny
Hide ring, thimble and penny in room. To one who finds ring, ...

Ciphers Codes Or Keys

This lesson is intended to teach the code or key. Attentio...

A Filipino Village

Source: What Shall We Do Now?: Five Hundred Games And Pastimes

Or if you get tired of living near the Arctic circle you can sweep
your table clean of Esquimau dwellings and construct a Filipino
village. For these you do not need bricks (which can be given a rest
and put away in a box) but little splints of wood the same size and
length which you can make yourself with a knife. Make a little thin
floor of damp clay (but drier than you use it to model with) and stick
your upright pieces in this in the shape of the house you wish to
make. When the clay has hardened they are held quite firm and you can
make a wattled hut by weaving long straws or grasses in and out to
form your walls. A thatched roof can also be made of long grasses,
tied in little bunches and laid close together all sloping down from
the ridge-pole. Almost every magazine of a few years back has in it
pictures of Filipino villages which will furnish you with models to
copy. According to the size of the table or board on which you make
your settlements you can have more or less extensive tropical country,
surrounding your village. Mountains can be made of the clay, covered
with moss or grasses to represent the jungle and a river with
overhanging trees arranged with bits of broken looking-glass, and
twigs with tiny scraps of green tissue paper glued to them for leaves.
The exercise of your own ingenuity in using all sorts of unlikely
materials which you will find all about you is the best part of this

After you have decided to change the climate and character of your
village, the clay used may be broken up and put back in your jar, wet
again, stirred smooth and is all ready to begin again. Great care
should be taken that it is kept clean, that bits of wood or glass be
not left in it, or you may cut or prick your fingers in handling it.

Next: A Dutch Street

Previous: An Esquimau Village

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