What Is My Thought Like?
Games For The Playground, Home, School And Gymnasium
_5 to 30 players._
_Children's party; house party; playground._
The players are seated in a circle or any convenient group. One of the
number decides upon a "thought"; that is, he thinks of some person,
object, or abstraction, without telling the others what it is. He then
asks of each in turn, "What is my thought like?" Each answers anything
he chooses. The first player then declares what his thought was, and
asks of each, "Why i
(naming the object he thought of)
(whatever such player answered)?" Each must find some likeness,
however absurd, or pay a forfeit. For instance, the answers around the
circle might be, "Your thought is like an umbrella," "like Napoleon,"
"Pinafore," "sadness," "my necktie," "a rose," etc. The questioner
then says, "I thought of a lead pencil. Why is a pencil like an
umbrella?" "Because it is oftenest black." The pencil may be like
Napoleon because it can make a mark; like a rose because it is
sometimes cut, etc. If any one happens to answer to the first
question, "a pencil" (or whatever was thought of), he also must pay a
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