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Volley Ball

Source: Games And Play For School Morale
Category: Group Games for Adults

Ten to thirty players may play at one time on playground or gymnasium.
Equipment consists of volley ball and tennis net.

For large teams this game is best played on a ground measuring fifty
feet in length and twenty-five in width. A tennis net or a net two feet
wide is stretched across the center of the ground from side to side,
extending one or two feet beyond the boundary on either side. The upper
edge should be from six feet and one-half to seven feet and one-half
above the ground. The players are evenly divided into two teams. They
scatter over their respective courts without special arrangement. A
captain is chosen for each side. An umpire is desirable.

Each team tries to keep the ball in lively play toward its opponents'
court, as each team scores only on its opponents' failures to return
the ball or keep it in the air.

The ball is put in play by being served by a selected member of either
team, who should stand at the rear of his court with one foot on the
rear boundary line behind the line. From this position the ball is
tossed upward lightly from one hand and batted with the open palm of
the other hand over the net and into the opponents' court. The server
has two trials. A served ball may be assisted on its course by any
other player on the server's side using one or both hands (open palm),
no player so assisting the ball on the serve may strike it more than
twice in succession, and the server under such circumstances may not
strike it more than once.

Should the ball then fail to land on the opponents' court, the server
loses his second serve. In serving, the ball must be batted at least
ten feet by the server before being touched by any other player on his
side. If a return ball hits a player on the server's side and bounces
into the opponents' court, it is considered no play. The players on a
side take turns in serving. A ball which bounds back into the court
after striking any other object except the floor or ceiling is still in

In sending the ball across the net, players should aim for an
unprotected part of the opponents' court or try in other ways to place
them at a disadvantage. The service changes to opposite side when the
serving side:

1. Allows the ball to touch the floor.
2. Knocks it out of bounds.
3. Fails to return it to the opponents.
4. The ball hits the net during the service.
5. A served ball falls outside the opponents' court.
6. A player on the serving side touches the net at any time.

Score. The game consists of twenty-one points--only the serving side

One point is scored when:

1. A good serve is unreturned.
2. Any time when the opponents fail to return the ball which is in
3. When the receiving side touches the net.

(Should the serving side fail to return a ball to the opponents' court,
they are put out. The serve passes to the opponents and no score is

Scoring on Fouls.

1. Touching the net by a player on the receiving side allows the
serving side one point.

2. A ball sent under the net counts one for the opposing side.

3. If the ball strikes any object outside the court and bounds
back, although it is still in play, it counts one for the opposing
side. A ball sent out of bounds in returning a service scores one
point for the opposing team. One point is scored by the opponents
whenever a player catches the ball or holds it for even an instant.

Next: Chariot Relay

Previous: Human Tug Of War

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