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Two Rhyming Games

Source: What Shall We Do Now?: Five Hundred Games And Pastimes

Rhyming games require more taxing of brains than most
players care for. The ordinary rhyming game, without using
paper, is for one player to make a remark in an easy metre,
and for the next to add a line completing the couplet. Thus
in one game that was played one player said--

It is a sin to steal a pin,
Much more to steal an apple.

And the next finished it by adding--

And people who are tempted to,
With Satan ought to grapple.

But this was showing more skill than there is real need for.

An easier rhyming game is that in which the rhyme has to come at the
beginning of the line. The players are seated in a circle and one
begins by asking the next a question of any nature whatever, or by
making any casual remark, the first word of the answer to which must
rhyme with the last word of the question. The game is then started,
each player in turn adding a remark to that made by the one before
him, always observing the rhyming rule. Thus, the original question
may be, "Do you like mince pies?" The next player may reply, "Wise
people always do." The next, "You, I suppose, agree with that?"
The next, "Flat you may knock me if I don't." The next, "Won't
you change the subject, please?" And the next: "Eas-ily; let's
talk of books."

Next: Telling Stories

Previous: Quotation Games

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