The Book Of Sports
This is an excellent game. In some places it is called "Cock Fighting."
To play it, two players must be matched against each other, and one is
sometimes called "Black Cock," and the other "White Cock." They are
seated on a carpet, or, what is better, the floor of the play-room, and
undergo the operation of "trussing." This is performed as follows:--The
hands are first tied with a handkerchief at the wrists. The ancles are
tied in the same manner. The Cock then has his hands brought to his
instep, while his knees pass between his arms, and a short stick is
thrust in under the knees and over the joints of the elbow, and secured
in this situation. The fight now begins by each Cock advancing towards
his enemy, and when they come close to each other, each endeavours, by
inserting his toes under the other's feet, to capsize him and throw him
over on the side; and whoever does this, is entitled to _crow_, and is
winner of the game. There is often a good deal of fun in this game, and
the players can rarely hurt each other.
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