Thought Reading
Games For All Occasions
This is a very good game, which always causes considerable amusement,
and if skilfully carried out will very successfully mystify the whole
It is necessary that the player who is to take the part of
thought-reading should have a confederate, and the game is then played
as follows.
The thought-reader, having arranged that the confederate should write a
certain word, commences by asking four members of the company to write
each a word upon a piece of paper, fold it up in such a manner that it
cannot be seen, and then to pass it on to him. The confederate, of
course, volunteers to make one of the four and writes the word
previously agreed upon, which is, we will suppose, "Hastings."
The thought-reader places the slips of paper between his fingers, taking
care to put the paper of his confederate between the third and little
finger; he then takes the folded paper from between his thumb and first
finger and rubs it, folded as it is, over his forehead, at each rub
mentioning a letter, as H. rub, A. rub, S.T.I.N.G.S., after which he
calls out that some lady or gentleman has written "Hastings." "I did,"
replies the confederate.
The thought-reader then opens the paper, looks at it, and slips it into
his pocket; he has, however, looked at one of the other papers.
Consequently he is now in a position to spell another word, which he
proceeds to do in the same manner, and thus the game goes on until all
the papers have been read.
The Little Dutch Band
Traveler's Alphabet
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