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The Striker

Source: The Book Of Sports
Category: CRICKET.

Is OUT, if either of the bails be struck off by the ball, or either of
the stumps struck out of the ground.

He is OUT, if the ball, from a stroke of the bat or hand below the
wrist, be held by his adversary before it touches the ground, although
hugged or caught between the arms and breast of the catcher.

He is OUT, if in striking, or at any other time while the ball is in
play, both his feet be over the popping-crease, and his wicket put down,
except his bat be grounded within it.

He is OUT, if in striking at the ball, he either with his bat, clothes,
or person, hits down his wicket.

He is OUT, if under pretence of running a notch, or otherwise, either of
the strikers prevent a ball from being caught, or if the ball be struck
up and he wilfully strikes it again.

He is OUT, if in running a notch the wicket be struck down by a throw,
or with the hand or arm with ball in hand, before his bat is grounded
over the popping-crease. If the bails should happen to be off, a stump
must be struck out of the ground.

He is OUT, should he take up or touch the ball while in play, unless at
the request of the opposite party.

He is OUT, if with a part of his person he stop the ball, which the
bowler, in the opinion of the umpire at the bowler's wicket, has pitched
in a straight line with the wicket.

If the players have _crossed_ each other, he that runs for the wicket
that is put down, is out; and if they have _not crossed_, he that has
left the wicket which is put down, is out.

When a ball is caught, no run is to be reckoned.

When a striker is run out, the notch they were running for is not to be

If "lost ball" shall be called, the striker is allowed the runs; but if
more than six shall have been run before "lost ball" shall have been
called, then the striker shall have all that have been run.

When the ball has been lodged in the wicket-keeper's or bowler's hands,
it is considered _dead_, that is, no longer in play, and the striker
need not keep within ground, till the umpire has called "play;" but if
the player goes off his ground, with intent to run, the bowler may put
him out.

Should the striker be hurt, he may retire from his wicket and return to
it any time during that innings. Some other person may stand out for
him, but not go in.

If any person stop the ball with his bat, the ball is to be considered
as DEAD, and the opposite party to add five notches to their score.

If the ball be struck up, the striker may guard his wicket with his bat
or any part of his body except his _hand_.

If the striker hit the ball against his partner's wicket when he is off
his ground, he is out, should it previously have touched the bowler or
any of the fieldmen's hands, but not otherwise.

Next: The Wicket-keeper

Previous: The Bowler

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