Testing Fates
Games For All Occasions
Upon the floor are twelve candles in a row, all alight and each of a
different color. Each candle stands for a month in the year. The white
one for January, blue for February, pale green for March, bright green
for April, violet for May, light pink for June, dark pink for July,
yellow for August, lilac for September, crimson for October, orange for
November, scarlet for December. Each child in turn is invited to jump
over the candles, and if the feat be accomplished without extinguishing
a single candle, prosperity and happiness are in store through all the
months of the coming year; but if one is put out, ill-luck threatens in
the month whose shining is thus eclipsed; while to knock one over,
predicts dire calamity.
Spin The Plate
Good Resolutions
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