
Passing Clothespins.
Sides are chosen among the players. Each side then takes it...

The Bull-terrier
The bull-terrier is very discriminating in his attachments an...

Descriptive Adjectives
An historical personage is selected, such as Columbus, George...

A game played with flattish malleable iron or rubber rings ab...

Log Cabin
The tiny tots would enjoy building a log cabin of tooth-picks...

One or two players go out. The others sit in line and choose ...

Acrobatic Impossibilities
If you hold your hands across your chest in a straight line w...

Indian ball games have one feature not found in the ball game...


Source: Games For The Playground, Home, School And Gymnasium

1. What poem is it that sings down the vale
The Brook.
2. What is the poem whose father is king
The Princess.
3. The poem that honors a friend who is gone
In Memoriam.
4. The poem that rules in the spring
The May Queen.
5. The poem that lives in the depths of the sea
The Mermaid.
6. The poem once baked in a pie
The Blackbird.
7. The poem from which all its dwellers have gone
Deserted House.
8. The poem that is a good-by
The Farewell.
9. The poem whose dress was tatters and rags
The Beggar Maid.
10. The poem that lets in light
The Window.
11. The poem in which we see castles in Spain
The Day Dream.
12. The poem that sees in the night
The Owl.

Next: Longfellow

Previous: Literary Lore

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