Tag 2
Games For The Playground, Home, School And Gymnasium
_4 to 60 players._
_Indoors; out of doors._
Tag in its simplest form may be started by any one of a group of
players suddenly turning to another, touching (tagging) him and saying
"You're It!" when all must flee from the one who is It.
The player who is It may chase and tag any other player whom he
chooses, but will aid his own ends by suddenly turning his attention
from one player to another, or by doubling back on his course, or
resorting to any of the other feints that give an unexpected turn to a
game of chase.
The players who are being chased will add to the zest of the game by
venturing as close as possible to the one who is It, calling to him
and taunting him with their proximity, and suddenly dodging away. When
a player is hard pressed or breathless, or does not wish to play, he
may become immune from tagging by crossing any one finger over its
neighbor on either hand, as the forefinger over the middle finger. It
is considered "babyish," however, to resort to this unless there is
some very good reason. A player who has had a good fair chase ought to
be willing to be It if caught.
Any player whom the chaser tags immediately becomes It, but the
chaser, in touching him, must say "You're It!" At his own discretion
he may add "No fair," which means that the one who has just become It
may not turn at once and tag him. A venturesome player, however, will
omit this, especially if he should tag another player from behind, and
trust to his own powers of dodging for getting safely away. Where
there are a large number of players, two or more may be chosen to be
Tag The Wall Relay
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