
Flower Match
_2 to 10 players._ _Out of doors._ This is one o...

Tether Ball
The same as tether tennis, which see. ...

Making Plans
Making plans is always interesting, but particularly so just ...

Cutting Leaves
Never cut all the leaves of plants growing from bulbs, but al...

Peter Piper.
This is an amusing game for children. A blackboard is neede...

Where several children have gardens in the same big garden, o...

Fireplaces, which can be bought or made at home, should be pu...

Tableaux Vivants
"Tableaux Vivants" are a change from acting, but they need, i...

Swallows And Hawks

Source: What Shall We Do Now?: Five Hundred Games And Pastimes

In the flight of birds there is nothing to compare for beauty and
speed with the swift, or for power and cleverness with the hawk. On
moist evenings, when the swifts fly low and level, backward and
forward, with a quaint little musical squeak, like a mouse's, they
remind one of fish that dart through the water of clear streams under
bridges. The hawk, even in a high wind, can remain, by tilting his
body at the needed angle, perfectly still in the air, while his steady
wide eyes search the ground far below him for mice or little birds.
Then, when he sees something, his body suddenly seems to be made of
lead and he drops like a stone on his prey. A hawk can climb the sky
by leaning with outspread wings against the breeze and cork-screwing
up in a beautiful spiral.

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Previous: Ants

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