
Who Are They?
Photographs of prominent individuals are numbered and placed ...

High Kick
A tin pan or wooden disk is suspended from a frame by means o...

Siam Club
Players are invited to join the Siam Club, for which certain ...

The Care Of Chickens
The best breed--Good and bad points of incubators--What to fe...

Blind Man's Buff
This game is played in two ways. In each case one player is ...

May-day Fete
A Japanese fete is suitable for a May Day affair, especially ...

Cock Stride
_3 to 15 players._ _Playground; gymnasium._ This game...

Cricket is played by twenty-two persons, eleven on each side,...

Suggestions For New Year Parties

Source: Games For All Occasions

A novel way of selecting partners for a New Year's party is to paint
upon water color paper such objects as may illustrate the different
months of the year. A candle for January, to represent Twelfth Night, or
"The Feast of Candles." February, a heart for St. Valentine. March, the
shamrock, as complimentary to St. Patrick. For April, an umbrella, the
sign of rain. May, the month for moving, is represented by a sign upon
which are the words, "House to Let." June, of course, is the month of
roses, while a fire-cracker is always symbolical of July. A fan for the
hot month of August, and a pile of school books for the first days of
September. Hallow-e'en, the gala day of October, has a Jack-o'lantern,
while the year closes with a turkey for Thanksgiving and a stocking for

Cut these out and fasten a loop of ribbon to each one, except the
fire-cracker, where a bit of cord will answer both for the fuse and the
loop by which to hang it. These are for the ladies, while the men will
receive plain cards upon each one of which is written a month of the
year. If there be more than twenty-four guests there are many other
available days, as Arbor Day, represented by a tree; a hatchet for
Washington's Birthday; a flag for Flag Day; a saw, trowel or spade for
Labor Day, and a ballot box for Election Day. If it be necessary to use
these extra days the plain cards must be numbered to designate the
different days of the same month. For instance, the card that
corresponds with St. Valentine's Day will be February No. 1, while the
bearer of February No. 2 will be the partner for the holder of the
Washington's birthday illustration.

The same idea may be carried out for dinner favors, painting the various
objects on cards about four by six inches in size, and pasting on one
corner a small calendar. When the guests arrive they will be given the
plain slips upon which are written the months of the year, and must then
find at the table the calendars that correspond with their cards.

Next: Lincoln's Birthday

Previous: A New Year's Eve Entertainment

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Drawing Games
Games And Pastimes For Washington's Birthday
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