What Shall We Do Now?: Five Hundred Games And Pastimes
A soap-bubble race is easy to arrange and very good fun. An old shawl
or blanket is laid on a table or the floor, goals are made at each end
of it with piles of books, leaving an opening between, and each person
is provided with a pipe for blowing bubbles. One bowl of soap-bubbles
is enough for the company (see page 279 on the best way to make
lasting soap-bubbles). The game is to see who can most quickly blow a
bubble, deposit it on the woolen cloth at one end and blow it through
the goal at the other. Of course you try to direct your puffs so that
you will not only blow your own bubble along but will force your
opponent's back.
Another way is to stretch a cord across the room and divide into two
sides, standing three feet from the cord. At a given signal dip your
pipes in the bowl of soap-suds, blow a bubble, and try to blow it over
the cord. The side which succeeds in landing most bubbles in the
enemy's territory wins.
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