Simple Acrostics
What Shall We Do Now?: Five Hundred Games And Pastimes
There are "Simple Acrostics" and "Double Acrostics." The simple ones
are very simple. When the players are all ready a word is chosen by
one of them, either from thought or by looking at a book and taking
the first promising one that occurs. Perhaps it is "govern." Each
player then puts the letters forming "govern" in a line down the
paper, and the object of the game is to find, in a given time, words
beginning with each of those letters. Thus, at the end of time, one
player might have--
G ravy
O range
V iolet
E sther
R obin
N umbskull
The players then describe their words in turn, one letter going the
round before the next is reached, and from these descriptions the
words have to be guessed, either by any player who likes or by the
players in turn. The player whose paper we have quoted might describe
his words like this: G---- "Something that makes hot beef nice"; O---- "A
fruit"; V---- "A flower"; E---- "A girl's name"; R---- "A bird"; and
N---- "A name for a silly person." If any one else has the same word
neither of you can score it, and it is therefore important to seek for
the most unlikely words.
Another way of playing "Simple Acrostics" is to insist on each word
being the same length. Thus "govern" might be filled in by one player
G rave
O ddly
V erse
E arth
R ebel
N inth
Double Acrostics
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