
Family Coach
In "Family Coach" each player takes the name of a part of a c...

Hand Ball Drill
(Preliminary Ball) _1 to 100 players._ _Playground; g...

This sport has recently received wide popularity in sections ...

Hurdle Race
Place several objects at different distances. Contestants rac...

INTRODUCTORY NOTE.--The objects which are thrown or tossed in...

Melting Lead
Each person melts some lead and pours it through a wedding-ri...

Club Snatch
_10 to 60 players._ _Playground; gymnasium._ This is ...

Chevy Or Prisoner's Base
There is no better running game than this. You first pick si...

Shakespearean Romance A

Source: Games For The Playground, Home, School And Gymnasium

_Any number of players._

_House party; schoolroom._

Each player is provided with a sheet of paper prepared with the
following questions, or the questions may be dictated at the time.
Each question is to be answered with the title of one of Shakespeare's
plays. The player wins who has the largest number correct at the end
of the time allotted for the game.

Other questions may be devised.

1. Who were the lovers? (Romeo and Juliet.)
2. What was their courtship like? (Midsummer Night's Dream.)
3. What was her answer to his proposal? (As You Like It.)
4. About what time of the month were they married? (Twelfth Night.)
5. Of whom did he buy the ring? (Merchant of Venice.)
6. Who were the best man and maid of honor? (Antony and Cleopatra.)
7. Who were the ushers? (The Two Gentlemen of Verona.)
8. Who gave the reception? (Merry Wives of Windsor.)
9. In what kind of a place did they live? (Hamlet.)
10. What was her disposition like? (The Tempest.)
11. What was his chief occupation after marriage?
(Taming of the Shrew.)
12. What caused their first quarrel? (Much Ado about Nothing.)
13. What did their courtship prove to be? (Love's Labor Lost.)
14. What did their married life resemble? (A Comedy of Errors.)
15. What did they give each other? (Measure for Measure.)
16. What Roman ruler brought about reconciliation? (Julius Caesar.)
17. What did their friends say? (All's Well that Ends Well.)

Next: Simon Says

Previous: Seeking For Gold

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