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Saddle The Nag

Source: Games For The Playground, Home, School And Gymnasium

_6 to 30 or more players._

_Playground; gymnasium._

This is a game of leapfrog. The players are divided into equal
parties, with a chief for each. One of the chiefs stands with his back
to a wall or fence, and all of his party bend their backs as for
leapfrog, the first with his head against the chief, and the others,
one behind the other, in a line stretching out in front of him. Each
player in the line braces his shoulder against the stooping player
next in front, or each may grasp the forward player around the waist.
The heads should all be turned to the same side. One of the opposite
side then leaps on the back of the player farthest from the wall, and
tries to make his way over the backs of the entire line to the chief
to "crown" him; that is, to place his hand on his head. The players
who are making "backs" try in every way, without rising to a standing
position, to throw this player off and so prevent his crowning their
chief. Each player of the "out" side tries in turn to crown the chief.
Should they be unsuccessful the sides change. If one or more players
succeed in crowning the chief, each successful player has a second
chance before the sides change. The side that succeeds in oftenest
crowning its opponent's chief wins the game. The limit of the game is
usually placed at six trials for each side.

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