School, Church, and Home Games
SCHOOLYARD GAMES For Intermediate Pupils
The group forms a circle, linking hands. In the center of the circle is
placed on end a short log about a foot long. (A tall bottle may be used
in place of the log). By it is lying a soft playground baseball or a
yarn ball. The circle begins to rotate around the log, the object being
to keep from knocking the club over, on the one hand, but to force some
one else in the circle to knock it over. The instant it falls, the
circle dissolves and all the players except the one who knocks over the
club run, while he picks up the ball and throws it at the running
players. If he succeeds in hitting some one, the one hit is out of the
game. If he fails, he is out. So the game continues until but two
players are left.
Fox Trail
Pass Ball
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