
Reuben And Rachel.
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_5 to 30 players._ _House party; out of doors._ One p...

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Take the inside of another match-box and stand it up on one o...

Cake With Candles.
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Oranges And Lemons

Source: Games For All Occasions

Two of the players join hands, facing each other, having agreed
privately which is to be "Oranges" and which "Lemons." The rest of the
party form a long line, standing one behind the other, and holding each
other's dresses or coats. The first two raise their hands so as to form
an arch, and the rest run through it, singing as they run:--

"Oranges and Lemons,
Say the bells of St. Clement's;
You owe me five farthings,
Say the bells of St. Martin's;
When will you pay me?
Say the bells of Old Bailey.
I do not know,
Says the big bell of Bow.
Here comes a candle to light you to bed
Here comes a chopper to chop off your head!"

At the word "head" the hand archway descends, and clasps the player
passing through at that moment; he is then asked in a whisper, "Oranges
or Lemons?" and if he chooses "oranges," he is told to go behind the
player who has agreed to be "oranges" and clasp him round the waist.

The players must be careful to speak in a whisper, so that the others
may not know what has been said.

The game then goes on again, in the same way, until all the children
have been caught and have chosen which they will be, "oranges" or
"lemons." When this happens, the two sides prepare for a tug-of-war.
Each child clasps the one in front of him tightly and the two leaders
pull with all their might, until one side has drawn the other across a
line which has been drawn between them.

Next: Old Soldier

Previous: Our Old Grannie Doesn't Like Tea

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