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Nuts In May

Source: Games For The Playground, Home, School And Gymnasium

_6 to 60 or more players._

_Indoors; out of doors._

(Sung to the air of "Mulberry Bush")

Here we come gathering nuts in May,
Nuts in May, nuts in May.
Here we come gathering nuts in May,
On a cold and frosty morning.

Whom will you have for nuts in May,
Nuts in May, nuts in May?
Whom will you have for nuts in May
On a cold and frosty morning?

We'll have (Mary) for nuts in May,
Nuts in May, nuts in May,
We'll have (Mary) for nuts in May,
On a cold and frosty morning.

Whom will you send to fetch her away,
To fetch her away, to fetch her away?
Whom will you send to fetch her away,
On a cold and frosty morning?

We'll send (Alice) to fetch her away,
To fetch her away, to fetch her away.
We'll send (Alice) to fetch her away,
On a cold and frosty morning.

The players stand in two lines facing each other and holding hands,
with a wide space between which will admit of advancing toward each
other and retreating. The first line sings the first verse, advancing
toward its opponents and retreating. The second line then advances and
retreats and sings the second verse. The first line again advances and
retreats, singing the third verse, naming some player who stands in
the opposing line. The second line, unwilling to yield a player so
easily, then advances and retires, singing the fourth verse, in which
it suggests that some one be sent to take the one who has been
selected for "nuts," and the first line then advances and retires,
singing the last verse, in which it names some player from its own
side whom it considers a good match for the player whom it has called
from the opposite side.

The lines then stand still while these two players advance to the
center, draw a mark on the ground, or throw a handkerchief down to
serve the purpose, take hold of right hands across the line, and have
a tug of war. The player who is pulled across the line becomes the
captured "nut" and joins the side of her captors. The game is then
repeated, with the change that the lines of players sing the verses
that were sung by their opponents the previous time, the second line
of players starting with the first verse. This should be continued
until all of the players have taken part in the tug of war. The line
wins which gets the most "nuts."

For large numbers of players, instead of a tug of war between two
players only, the two lines may advance, each player joining hands
with the one opposite, and all taking part in the tug of war. Still
another method is to have the two players who are named, join hands,
with the players of their respective sides all lined up behind them
for a tug of war, as in London Bridge.

Next: Oats Peas Beans

Previous: Mulberry Bush

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