
_5 to 30 or more players._ _Playground; gymnasium._ T...

Lawn Hockey
This game is played on a field a little smaller than a footba...

Spin Around Race
A boy is selected from each aisle to take his place at least ...

Hammer Throw
An inflated paper bag tied on the end of a yard of string is ...

In running, as the swiftness of the motion steadies the body ...

Pictures To Order
Each player sits, pencil in hand, before a blank sheet of pap...

Choice Of Stock
In commencing fowl-keeping, it is important to choose young a...

Chair Relay
A chair is placed on the distance line opposite each team, wi...

New Year's Day

Source: Games For All Occasions
Category: NEW YEAR'S DAY

Resolved:--To do my best to-day--
Tomorrow is far away.

New Year's day calling and receiving--the custom of our Grandmother's
time--is in vogue again.

If it is desirable to announce that one wishes to receive callers on
that day, the visiting card of the party or parties receiving with the
words--"At Home January the first, 19--, from -- to -- P. M.," and the
address written upon it, may be sent to one's friends.

Or upon the back of a visiting card may be written, "Let me (or us) wish
you a Happy New Year on January the first. At Home from -- to -- P. M.
Address ----------------."

Simple refreshments should be served, hot tea, coffee or chocolate with
sweet or salted wafers--fruit punch with sweet wafers--bouillon in cups
with salted crackers.

Two, three or all of these beverages with assorted wafers, etc., could
be served from the dining room table, giving an opportunity to cater to
the individual taste of one's guests.

Have a center piece of three large white tissue paper bells tied
together with white ribbon. Place them on their side with long ribbon
streamers coming from underneath each one and in the center of the
three place another white bell, open side up, holding an infant doll to
represent the new year. Intertwine a few sprays of asparagus fern or

It is not wise to serve intoxicants to New Year's callers thus adding a
drop to the bucket that will overflow eventually with regret and

New Year's Day Party Invitations may be in hour glass form cut from
heavy white paper, or bell shape.

Decorations of evergreen festoons and wreaths are appropriate, also the
tissue paper bells and festoons and holly and mistletoe.

A pretty center piece for the table is a large pile of snow balls made
of cotton and sprinkled with diamond dust, each one containing a small
favor and having a ribbon attached which runs to each plate and at a
given time the guests may each pull a ribbon and receive a prize.

Refreshments may be ice cream in the form of snow balls, small cakes
with the abbreviated names of the months frosted on, assorted fancy
cakes and bon-bons.

The following games are suggested.

Next: Good Resolutions

Previous: Forfeits

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One Hundred Outdoor Games
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After Dinner Games For Christmas
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Ice Breakers For Sociables
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A County Fair Play Festival
May Day
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Sociable Games For Grownups
Drawing Games
Games And Pastimes For Washington's Birthday
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Racing Games For Picnics
Indoor Occupations And Things To Make
For The Younger Children
An Indoor Sports Fair