Miss Jennia Jones
Games For All Occasions
The story of this is originally a love story. The young lady dies from a
blighted affection and the prohibition of cruel parents.
A mother, seated, Miss Jones stands behind her chair, or reclines on her
lap as if lying sick. A dancer advances from the ring.
"I've come to see Miss Jennia Jones,
Miss Jennia Jones, Miss Jennia Jones--
I've come to see Miss Jennia Jones,
And how is she to-day?"
"She's up stairs washing,
Washing, washing--
She's up stairs washing,
You cannot see her to-day."
The questions are repeated to the same air for every day of the week and
Miss Jones is baking, ironing, or scrubbing. She is then sick or worse
and finally is dead.
"What shall we dress her in,
Dress her in, dress her in;
What shall we dress her in--
Shall it be blue?"
"Blue is for sailors,
So that will never do."
"What shall we dress her in,
Shall it be red?"
"Red is for firemen,
So that will never do."
"Pink is for babies
So that will never do."
"Green is forsaken,
So that will never do."
"Black is for mourners,
So that will never do."
"White is for dead people
So that will just do."
"Where shall we bury her?
Under the apple tree."
Miss Jennia Jones is "laid out" upon the floor and something white
thrown over her.
After the burial is completed the children form a ring and sing:
"I dreamed I saw a ghost last night,
Ghost last night, ghost last night--
I dreamed I saw a ghost last night,
Under the apple tree!"
The ghost suddenly arises. The ring breaks up, the children fly with
shrieks, and the one caught by the ghost is to take the part of Miss
Jennia Jones in the next game.
Oats And Beans And Barley
London Bridge
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