Games For The Playground, Home, School And Gymnasium
_10 to 60 or more players._
This game may be one of the funniest possible for a house party. The
players sit around the room or in a circle. One player who has ready
wit is chosen to be ringmaster, or there may be different showmen or
ringmasters for each group of animals. The ringmaster takes his place
in the center, and will be more effective if furnished with a whip. He
shows off in turn different troops of animals, pointing out from two
to eight players for each troop, according to the number who are
taking part. These must come forth into the center of the ring and go
through their paces as indicated by the showman. He may thus display
the growling and clawing bear, the hopping and croaking frog, the
leaping kangaroo, the roaring and ramping lion, the humped camel, the
stubborn and braying donkey, the screaming and wing-flapping eagle,
the hooking and mooing cow, the neighing and galloping horse, etc.
For instance, the ringmaster may say: "Ladies and gentlemen: I will
now exhibit to you a marvelous troup of snorting hippopotami. Such
graceful carriage has never before been seen in these ponderous
animals. They have learned to gambol in our Northern clime with even
greater grace than they showed in their native jungles. They show
almost human intelligence. Sit up there!" (cracking his whip) "Snort
to the right! Snort to the left!" etc.
When all of the animals in the menagerie have been displayed, they may
all join in a circus parade, each retaining his distinctive
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