
Miss Jennia Jones
The story of this is originally a love story. The young lady ...

Got Left
The players stand in couples behind each other. One player is...

Hiding The Disks
INTRODUCTORY NOTE.--This game, known under a variety of nam...

Planting A Garden
_5 to 30 or more players._ _House party._ Each player...

Easter Eggs And Painting
Home-made Easter eggs are made by painting pictures or messag...

Bead Furniture
Chairs can be made with wire, beads, a little silk or cott...

Jack's Alive
A match or small piece of wood is lighted and when well afire...

Tap Relay
The pupils of each aisle constitute a team. All bend their he...

May Pole Dance

Source: Games For All Occasions
Category: MAY DAY

If this entertainment is to be out-of-doors a long pole is erected in
the center of the lawn; or fastened into a solid base and set in the
center of the room if desired for indoor amusement.

Procure a very light weight wheel about twenty inches in diameter. Wind
bright colored bunting or ribbon around the wheel and spokes and attach
various flowers and blossoms singly and in clusters to the cloth,
letting some hang down as vines and festoons. Place the hub over top of
May Pole. Insert in the top of hub three pennants of red, white and blue
and stalks of flowers. Natural flowers should be used if possible but
paper or artificial ones may be substituted.

Attach from ten to twenty bright colored narrow streamers or ribbons to
the May-pole underneath the hub; braid these in and out around the May
pole intertwining garlands of flowers for a distance of about twelve
inches and fasten streamers securely in place. Supply each child with a
basket or bouquet of flowers.

The end of each streamer is given to a girl and boy alternately. The
girls hold the ribbon in the left hand and the boys hold the ribbon in
the right hand. They spread out into a circle the ribbons or streamers
at full length the children standing sideways from the May-pole, the
girls facing one direction and the boys facing the opposite direction.
The music starts up and the children dance around in a circle. The boys
pass on the outside first letting their ribbons pass over the heads of
the girls, then the girls pass at the outer edge of the circle letting
their ribbons pass over the heads of the boys, and so on until the
ribbons are braided around the May-pole, and then they are unwound in
the same manner if desired.

Next: May-day Fete

Previous: May Day

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