Letter Games
What Shall We Do Now?: Five Hundred Games And Pastimes
Letters can be
used for a round game by one player making a word, shuffling it, and
throwing it face upward into the middle of the table. The winner is
the player who first sees what it spells.
Distribute a box of letters among the players, dealing them face
downward. In turn each player takes up a letter at random and puts it
face upward in the middle of the table. The object of the game is to
make words out of these letters. Directly a player sees a word he
calls it out, and taking the letters places them in front of him,
where they remain until the end of the game, when each player counts
his words and the owner of the greatest number is the winner. If,
however, a word has been chosen which, by the addition of another
letter or so from the middle of the table, can be transformed into a
longer word, the player who thinks of this longer word takes the
shorter word from the other player and places it before himself. Thus,
A might see the word "seat" among the letters, and calling it out,
place it before him; and then B, noticing another "t," might call out
"state," and adding it to A's word, take that to himself. If, however,
A then detected an "e" in the middle and called out "estate" the word
would be his again. These losses and reconquests form the chief fun of
the game. An "s" at the end of a word, forming a plural, is not
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