Jolly St Nicholas
Games For All Occasions
One child is chosen to represent Jolly St. Nicholas or Santa Claus and
stands in the center of the room. The other children stand around in a
circle while Santa Claus reads his rules of good behavior to them which
are as follows:--
"You must speak when you are spoken to. Do you understand?" (The
children reply, "Yes, sir.")
"You must come when you are called. Come here." (The children run toward
Santa Claus and stand still when he raises his hand.)
"You must keep your place." (The children return to their former
"You must be asleep by eight o'clock." (Santa Claus counts eight and the
children must all close their eyes by the time he says 'eight.')
"It is more blessed to give than to receive." The children are supposed
to keep their eyes closed and when Santa Claus gives them something
(which will be a little tap on the hand or a light trod on the foot, a
kiss, a hug or gentle pull of the hair or ear or something of that
sort,) the recipient must pass it on to the next who passes it on to the
next, and so on.
If Santa Claus observes anyone disobeying his rules he tags them and
they are out of the game. If any of the children succeed in being
perfectly good children they are given a suitable prize by Santa Claus,
and another Santa Claus chosen if it is desired to continue the game.
Christmas Stocking
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