
Judge And Jury
The company should be seated in two lines facing each other, ...

Good Seaside Friends
So many interesting things are to be seen at the seaside that...

Frog In The Middle
_10 to 30 or more players._ _Parlor; gymnasium; playgrou...

Games For Convalescents
A good thing to do in bed when getting better from an illness...

Oranges And Lemons.
The two tallest children, one named "Orange," the other "Le...

Basting The Bear
This is another silly game. A boy, who is called the "Bear," ...

Day And Night
The players are divided into two teams formed in two lines ab...

Judge And Jury.
Arrange the children in two rows, facing each other. The ju...

Jacob And Rachel

Source: Games For The Playground, Home, School And Gymnasium

_10 to 30 or more players._

_Playground; gymnasium; parlor._

All of the players but two form a circle with clasped hands. The two
odd players are placed in the center, one of them, "Jacob," being
blindfolded. The object of the game is for Jacob to catch the other
player, "Rachel," by the sound of her voice; but Rachel is supposed to
be rather coy, and to do all in her power to avoid being caught by
Jacob, even though she answer his questions.

Jacob begins the game by asking, "Rachel, where art thou?" Rachel
replies, "Here am I, Jacob," and immediately tiptoes to some other
point in the ring, trying to evade Jacob's outstretched hands as he
gropes for her. Rachel may stoop to evade being caught, or may dash
from one side of the ring to the other, or resort to any tactics
except leaving the ring. Jacob may repeat his question whenever he
wishes, and Rachel must answer each time.

When Rachel is caught, Jacob returns to the ring, Rachel is
blindfolded and chooses a new Jacob, this time taking the aggressive
part and seeking him with the question, "Where art thou, Jacob?" etc.

When the game is played by both boys and girls, the names are used
properly, but where all boys or all girls are playing, the same names
are used, but one of the party is personated by a player of the
opposite sex.

Next: Japanese Crab Race

Previous: Jack Be Nimble

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