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Hand Ball Drill

Source: Games For The Playground, Home, School And Gymnasium
Category: BALL GAMES

(Preliminary Ball)

_1 to 100 players._

_Playground; gymnasium._

_Hand ball; bean bags._

When little children first begin to handle a ball the size of
an ordinary hand ball, the acquirement of skill in tossing and
catching is not altogether easy. Experience with such children
has shown that some preliminary drill is very desirable as a
preparation for the ball games. This drill may itself be done
in the play spirit and made very interesting.

The various movements described may be general (by the class in
unison) in time to music or counting; or they may be done
individually or with partners as indicated, irrespective of the
time in which other individuals or partners are working.

In the latter method the play may be competitive, the pupils
counting the number of times in which they bound or toss or
catch without missing, the one reaching the highest number

It will be noted that the drill seeks to cultivate equal skill
of both hands. This is very desirable in many games and should
be done aside from any theories as to the value of




1. Bound, and catch with both hands, palms _upward_.

2. Bound, and catch with one hand (right, then left), palm _upward_.

3. Bound, hit to rebound once, and catch with one hand (right, then
left), palm _upward_.

4. Bound, and catch with one hand (right, then left), the palm
_downward_ in catching ("dog snack").

5. Bound, hit to rebound twice, or more times, and catch with one hand
(right, then left).


(If there be many players they may stand in long ranks facing
each other for these drills, or in separate couples scattered
promiscuously over the ground. In either case they should begin
with a comparatively short distance, say of three feet, between
partners, and gradually increase the distance.)

1. Bound to partner, who will catch with both hands.

2. Bound to partner, who will catch with one hand (right, then left),
palm _upward_.

3. Bound to partner, who will catch with one hand (right, then left),
palm _downward_.

4. Bound to partner, who will return ball by hitting it for a rebound
without catching it. This may be kept up between the two indefinitely.



1. Toss, and catch ball with both hands.

2. Toss, and catch with one hand (right, then left), palm _upward_.

3. Toss, and hit it to retoss in the air without catching (right hand,
then left), palm _upward_.


1. Toss ball to partner, who will catch with both hands.

2. Toss ball to partner, who will catch with one hand (right, then
left), palm _upward_.

3. Toss ball to partner, who will catch with one hand (right, then
left), palm _outward_ ("dog snack").



1. Throw ball upward against a wall, allow it to bound once, and catch
with both hands.

2. Throw ball against wall, bound once, and catch with one hand
(right, then left), palm _upward_.

3. Throw against wall, bound once, and catch with one hand (right,
then left), palm _downward_.

4. Throw against wall and catch without bounding on the ground with
one hand (right, then left), palm _upward_.

5. Throw, and catch without bounding on ground, with one hand (right,
then left), palm _outward_.


1. Repeat the above throws against the wall, the partner catching in
each case as designated in the list.




1. Toss or throw the ball straight upward as high as possible; catch
it in one hand (right, then left), with palm _upward_.

2. Toss or throw the ball straight upward as high as possible; catch
it in one hand (right, then left), palm _outward_ ("dog snack").

3. Hold out one arm, say the left, straight in front at shoulder
level; holding the ball in the right hand, swing the right arm outward
in a full circle; toss the ball upward from under the outstretched
arm, and catch with the hand that threw, palm _outward_.

4. Repeat this throwing with the left hand, holding out the right.

5. Toss the ball sideways over one's own head, and catch on the
opposite side. This is done as follows: Holding the ball in the right
hand, swing the right arm out sideways, and from about shoulder level
toss the ball over the head toward the left side. Catch it on the left
side near shoulder level with the left hand, palm upward or outward.

6. Reverse, tossing from the left hand and catching with the right.

7. Toss the ball under the upraised knee as follows: Holding the ball
in the right hand, raise the right knee upward, bent at an angle,
swing the right arm in circle outward, and toss the ball upward from
under the knee; that is, from the inner side of the leg; catch with
the hand that threw, palm _outward_. Repeat with the left hand and

8. Throw the ball upward behind the back, so that it comes forward
over the opposite shoulder, as follows: Holding the ball in the right
hand, circle the right arm outward, bend the arm behind the back, toss
the ball upward over the left shoulder, and catch it over the head or
in front with the hand that threw, palm outward. Reverse, using the
left arm and throwing over the right shoulder. When this is first
tried the ball may not be thrown very high or very well as to
direction; but it is a fascinating throw to practice and may soon be
done with a high toss and very accurately.

Next: Hand Football

Previous: Football Tag

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