Food And Feeding
The Book Of Sports
Fowls must be well fed, but they should not have too much. Over-feeding
is as bad for fowls as for men. They ought not to be fed with stale or
bad corn, but of the best, and now and then with a little buck-wheat;
with cabbage, mangold-wurzel leaves, and parsley, which should be
chopped fine. Where they are likely to be stinted for insect food, small
pieces of meat chopped up should occasionally be added to their food.
On the floor of the fowl-house, a little sand should be occasionally
spread, and sandy gravel should be placed in the corners. The small
sharp stones found in gravel are absolutely necessary to fowls, as they
are picked up by the birds and find their way into the gizzard, where
they perform the part of mill-stones in grinding the corn.
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