Fives The Game
What Shall We Do Now?: Five Hundred Games And Pastimes
"Fives" is a game which is a test also of one's store of information.
A letter is chosen, say T, and for a given time, ten minutes perhaps,
the players write down as many names of animals beginning with T as
they can think of. The first player then reads his list, marking those
words that no one else has and crossing off all that are also on other
players' papers. Then the names of vegetables (including flowers,
trees, and fruit) are taken; then minerals; then persons; and then
places. The player who has most marks wins the game.
A variety of this game is to take a long word, say "extraordinary,"
and within a given time to see how many smaller words can be made
from it, such as tax, tin, tea, tear, tare, tray, din, dray, dairy,
road, rat, raid, and so on.
Game Lists
Double Acrostics
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