
Did You Ever See A Lassie?
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Picking Flowers
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First Course

Source: The Book Of Sports

EXERCISE 1. The pupil should hold out his hand at arm's length, until he
can hold it out no longer, and repeat it until he has power in the
muscles, to continue it, without fatigue, for a considerable length of

2. Stand on one foot till he is tired, and repeat this for a similar

3. Hold out both arms parallel with his chin, letting the thumbs and
fingers touch each other.

4. Hold the hands behind the back in a similar manner, the arms being
stretched as far backward as possible, and hold the hands high.

5. Hold up the right foot by the right hand, extending the leg and arm
by degrees.

6. Hold up the left foot in the same manner.

7. Stand with the knees bent, and exercise them towards the ground,
until he can kneel on both knees at once without supporting himself as
he drops.

8. Raise himself from this position without the aid of his hands, by
springing back on his toes.

9. Endeavour to touch both his toes, with the back straight, the legs
close together, and the head down.

10. Take a piece of wood, three inches broad, and twenty long, that will
not bend, and hold it across the back, the three first fingers touching
the wood.

11. Endeavour to sit, but not touch the ground, nor let any part of his
body touch his heels, with his arms stretched out in a line with his

12. Stand with his arms and legs extended, so as to form the letter X.


Let the pupil:--

13. Lie down on his back, and raise his body from an horizontal to a
vertical position, without any assistance from the hands or elbows.

14. Draw up the legs close to the posterior part of the thighs, and rise
without other assistance.

15. Extend himself on his back again, and walk backwards with the palms
of his hands and his feet.

16. Sustain the weight of the whole body upon the palms and the toes,
the face being towards the ground.

17. Lie on his back, and take hold of each foot in his hands, and throw
himself on his face by rolling over.

18. Lie with the face down, and take hold of his toes while in that

19. With his chest downwards, drag his body along by walking only with
his hands.

20. Place himself on his back, and endeavour to advance by means of the
propulsion of the feet.

21. Place his body on his hands and feet, with the breast upwards, and
endeavour to bring the lips to the ground.

22. Lean on the breast and palms of the hands, and throw the legs over
towards the back of the head.

23. Stretch himself on the back, and extending the hands beyond the
head, at the utmost stretch, touch the ground, and, if possible, bring
up a piece of money, previously to be placed there.

24. In the same manner, endeavour to seize a ball by the toes at full

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Games For Everybody
Games For The Playground, Home, School And Gymnasium
Ciphers For The Little Folks
What Shall We Do Now?: Five Hundred Games And Pastimes
Games Without Music For Children
Outdoor Sports And Games
Games For Halloween
School, Church, And Home Games
Games And Play For School Morale
The Book Of Sports

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