
A Few Suggestions For Fortunes.
You will meet your future husband (or wife) to-night. Prospe...

Flower Show
A flower-show competition is an excellent garden game. A hand...

This is a simple tag game. The player selected to be "It" sta...

An Easter Bonnet Party
A very pleasant entertainment to be given about Eastertide is...

Rhyming Verbs
Half of the group leaves the room while the others decide upo...

Chickidy Hand
_5 to 30 or more players._ _Playground; gymnasium._ O...

Teacher And Class
_5 to 60 players._ _Playground; gymnasium; class room._ ...

Jumping Lighted Candle
Place a lighted candle in middle of floor, not too securely p...


Source: What Shall We Do Now?: Five Hundred Games And Pastimes

At a fire in the country, where there is no hose, a line of men
extends from the burning house to the nearest pond, and buckets are
continually being passed along this line. Hence the name by which this
excellent game is called here. It is played thus. A large number of
miscellaneous and unbreakable articles--balls, boots, potatoes, books,
and so on--are divided into two exactly equal groups, and each group
is placed in a clothes basket. The company then forms into two equal
lines, and each chooses a captain. Each captain stands by the basket
at one end of his line, at the other end being a chair and another
player standing by that. At the word "Start," the articles are handed
one by one by the captain to the first player in the line, and passed
as quickly as possible without dropping to the player by the chair. As
they come to him he piles them on the chair (without dropping any)
until all are there, and then returns them with equal speed until the
basket is filled again. The side which finishes first is the winner.
If an article is dropped it must be picked up before any other of the
articles can pass the player who dropped it.

Next: Forfeits

Previous: Potato Race

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