Fetch And Carry
Games And Play For School Morale
Fourth Grade
Each player is supplied with a bean bag. On the floor directly in front
of each aisle a circle about eighteen inches in diameter is drawn and
close up to the blackboard. At a given signal the first player in each
row runs forward, deposits his bean bag in the circle in front of his
aisle and runs back to his seat. As soon as he is seated the player
behind him runs forward, places his bean bag in the circle and returns
to his seat. The game continues until every player in the row has
deposited his bean bag. The row finishing scores one.
The game is then reversed. The last player in each line runs forward,
picks up a bean bag and returns with it to his seat. Upon being seated
he touches the player in front of him on the shoulder, this being the
signal for that player to run forward, pick up a bag and return. No
player is permitted to run before the signal is given. The row
finishing first scores one.
Speed competition.
Corner Spry
Bear In The Ring
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